5 Ways To Look After Your Mental Health


5 Ways To Look After Your Mental Health

The coronavirus (COVID-19) global pandemic has completely changed the world’s way of living these past few months, and feelings of anxiety and stress are also dramatically increasing. These feelings of unease and worry are completely normal and understandable following such significant change, but it is important we take a step back and look at ways to take care of our mental health and manage stress, without reacting from a place of panic. When things feel completely out of our control, one of the most effective ways to look after our wellbeing is to focus on what is in our control. Amidst the global pandemic, these are 5 ways we can look after our mental health.

1) Set Limits Around News Regarding COVID-19

To the best of your ability and no matter how tempting it may be to turn on the TV multiple times a day, try to avoid excessive exposure to the media coverage around coronavirus. Fixating on updates and social media feeds about the pandemic can really intensity those feelings of unease and distress. Take a break and try set some boundaries, whether that be limiting yourself to a broadcast a day, or going for a walk to clear your head after reading an article. Find what works for you.

2) Check Out Travello App & Stay Connected with Likeminded Individuals

With so many travel plans, adventures, and activities on pause due to the global pandemic, those dreadful feelings of missing out and wanderlust are at an all-time high. Travello app is the ultimate social network for likeminded travellers to connect across the globe. Meet and reach out to other travellers in the same situation as you, get tips and tricks on beating lockdown, ask for advice, and even make friends for life. Travello will connect you people from all around the world, and it’ll make life a lot easier once you’re able to travel again. Remember, physical distancing does not mean social disconnection, download Travello from the app store or play store here.
For more information on other Travello community members, check out this article on how these users became international stars.

3) Maintain Self Care

Looking after yourself in the midst of this outbreak can be an integral part in boosting your moral and motivation. Try to create and maintain a positive daily routine and normal activities as best as possible. Get enough sleep and wake up early, do some exercise, get dressed and ready for the day, keep your space clean and fresh, eat healthy meals, take breaks throughout the day to go for a walk or meditate and stretch. Focus on prioritising your wellbeing with positive activities to give you a natural

4) Establish a Workout Routine

Exercise is proven to decrease stress and anxiety, and amidst the pandemic while we’re all in lockdown what better way to kickstart your fitness goals. By now we’ve all seen how the internet is flooding with at home workout routines, free online classes, celebrity training sessions and DIY exercises for you to check out and find what you’re into! Set a weekly goal and establish a workout routine, try challenge yourself with all this free time on our hands.

5) Try Something New and Try To Challenge Yourself

One thing for certain during the coronavirus pandemic is that lockdown has provided us with plenty of free time. What better way to distract ourselves from the stress and keep our minds active and healthy than to try something new. Whether that be learning a new language, getting creative with painting or drawing, or creating a podcast or a blog. Think about something you’ve always wanted to do or try and go for it! You may surprise yourself and find a hidden talent you never knew you had.

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